Today was Overseas Missions Sunday and it was great to be able to hear of the recent travels of some of our people involved in overseas mission work. We heard from Renata Dempsey and Andy Francis about their recent work in India with Sampan and the impact that it is having on the people there. It was also fantastic to put a face to a name with Donna from EARS and hearing how her work is changing people’s lives. I was impressed that her impact doesn’t end there but she has also birthed a youth ministry in her community, reaching those young people who have never entered a church building before.The highlight of the day though was definitely the wonderful teaching by Simon Longdon of Pioneers. As an avid teacher of God’s Word myself, I was impressed with the way he simply took a passage of Scripture and made it come to life in his messages.At the 10am Service he spoke about being a great person and that in Christ we are greater than even John the Baptist and the prophets. At 6pm he unpacked teaching from Luke 9 and the different responses shown by three men to Jesus’ invitation to follow him. How often do we allow relationships, people and the pursuit of other ‘things’ to get in the way of our relationship with God? As Simon said, we must cut them out of our lives if they are getting in the way of God. I would encourage you to re-read Luke 9: 57-62 and notice the responses of these men, and how we too may not fully grasp the type of discipleship Jesus is calling us to. Blessings,
Blake Moore.
Welcome to York St's first journal ALL ABOUT LIFE! Thank you for stopping by.
Our intention for this blog is to create a space where our church family and friends can be enriched and encouraged by the stories of faith in our "everyday lives".
Also, many times our family is away traveling, sick, or unable to attend, and this can be an easy way to keep us all in the loop.
Let's celebrate life together!
Happy Reading!" Jesus came that we might have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
We aim to be a healthy church that celebrates Gods love together by building a Christlike community and sharing with others what Jesus has done in our lives.
If you are in the Ballarat area we invite you to drop in and get to know us or come along to one our Church Services on Sundays at either 10am or 6pm.
We will be photographing our church events and possibly using your photo in our publications. Please let the church office know if you do NOT wish to be photographed.
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