Monday, June 21, 2010

Yorkie Kids and State Youth Games

What an exciting day to be worshipping at York St Church of Christ. Whether you are a regular or a visitor we trust that you have a great time as you worship with us.

This morning Yorkie Kids will bring the message at the 8:45am service and lead the entire 10:30am service. All throughout this term they have been working through the story of Jonah and today they will be sharing the things they have learnt with us. I thank God for all our children involved in Yorkie Kids and for Trace Valentine and her leadership team. It is refreshing to learn from our children, and may we continue to pray for them as they grow in wisdom and knowledge of God.

Tonight we are also blessed to hear from our SYG (State Youth Games) Team. We will hear stories and how SYG has impacted our young people’s lives. We congratulate our team for coming 19 out of 72 and for doing their best. Go York St….

One last reminder regarding tomorrows nights 2010 Make it Count live Webcast. I encourage you to be here at 7pm to listen to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition leader Tony Abbott talk to us the Christians of Australia.



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